• internet based radio setup

    Truly Local Stations

    amityvilleMost people enjoy listening to their radio while they are in the car or during emergency situations when the power goes out for days at a time. Often, the radio is the easiest way for us to find out what is important for our area, while also allowing us to feel less stressed by our situation. What if you could have a radio station that was devoted to everything that impacts your area even if there is no disaster? Would you tune in? That is the goal of Amityville radio and others that are similar to it.

    Truly Local Radio Stations

    local newsWhen you have a radio station that is designed to focus on your area completely, you will avoid having to hear about things that are going on in another state; unless it directly impacts you. Instead of hearing about gas prices in New York when you live in California; you will be able to hear them in your area. Beyond that, you will get to hear about what is going on in your community. A lot of times the Chamber of Commerce will provide reports about local causes that you may be interested in. You will get truly local weather updates, news, special alerts, and so much more. These stations are designed to show you that there is more to radios than good music.

    More than Simply Music

    internet based radio setupAdmittedly, even a local station can have music. In some cases, you may be able to hear those old songs from when you were a kid on it as well as new releases, but you will actually learn from this radio station. Perhaps they will talk about how you can keep your family safer. They may talk about the Farmer’s Almanac and what it says will be going on in your area in the near future. In Amityville, there is also a segment that highlights that day in history to give you even more of a reason to love your area. It may be information about something specific that happened that day many years ago or it could simply be that gas was five-cent a gallon on this day and now you pay nearly $4.00. Music is great, but what could be wrong with a radio station that is devoted to helping you learn as well as relax?

    Encourage Local Stations

    A lot of the more local radio stations are run via only the internet. That is why they are able to stay local. However, by being online at all times, they do have expenses. They rely on loyal listeners to help them with donations and equipment so that their radio station can continue to provide more for their listeners. Donations are what allows them to continue providing others with music, local news, sunrise and set, tidal changes, weather, and so much more. Will you show your support to a local station that is there just to ensure you know about your area? Most people love the idea of it and we hope that you will enjoy learning more about your local radio stations as well.